Action against none logged-in members who have NOT been seen on or before September 15, 2017
Postcardunited | December 26, 2017
Dear Members,
It has come to our attention that some members are failing to register Postcards in a
timely manner, and are not logging in until after more than 3 to 6 months apart.
As such we have decided to take action (for a limited time) against any member’s account
that has postcard(s) traveling to them and have NOT logged-in (Member didn’t login)
on or before September 15, 2017. We have seen members take as much as 1 year
to login and register Postcards.
Here is what you can do:
If you have a Postcard traveling to any member who have NOT been seen logged-in
on or before September 15, 2017; add the username or postcard ID of that
member in the comment below
we will check and take action. Remember these conditions must be met:
(a) You must have a Postcard traveling to that member.
(b)The member last seen (logged-in) must be on or before September 15, 2017.
(c) You must state the member username or the Postcard ID under this post ONLY.
Postcard(s) Registered by us for this reason will have the following message:
“This Postcard was registered by the Administrator, the member failed to Login and was
last seen on or before September 15, 2017.
We will accept comments for this post until January 14, 2018.
Thank you
The Administrator
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Members Recent Activities
- Katrinay
sent a postcard to Australia
- biladjam
uploaded the postcard CHN-284268
- biladjam
received a postcard from muscle
- Sasori1027
received a postcard from 1091487605
- debbielou8769
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- debbielou8769
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- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to Taiwan
- Catus
received a postcard from parkcat35
- Catus
received a postcard from TsengYIngYi
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sent a postcard to United Kingdom
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- Argetlam
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- debbielou8769
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- debbielou8769
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- Katrinay
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reacted on postcard SVK-2715
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- lisnora2022
uploaded the postcard MYS-107657
- Chicklet81
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- Juras
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- BubbleBobble
received a postcard from AkeyWu
- Gae
sent a postcard to Russia
- Gae
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- Gae
sent a postcard to China
- Gae
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- BubbleBobble
received a postcard from alickli
- BubbleBobble
reacted on postcard IND-32591
- BubbleBobble
received a postcard from Davidsk
- veduschij1
reacted on postcard RUS-19313
- LauHok
sent a postcard to China
- LauHok
sent a postcard to China
- LauHok
sent a postcard to Poland
- goldnotice
sent a postcard to China
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- LauHok
sent a postcard to Philippines
- LauHok
sent a postcard to China
- LauHok
sent a postcard to Russia
- for2na
received a postcard from muscle
- omjorek
received a postcard from LynnKo33
- for2na
received a postcard from SookFun
- lilifbrighente
sent a postcard to China
I have sent a postcard SWE-1853 to Repourtilec Slovenia on August 26. This member has not been logged-in since September 3.
Admin Note
Hi Dansaren
We have registered this.
I have sent a postcard to Russia: SVK-684-zheshkaa – this member has not been logged in since July 02 and
I have sent a postcard to Cuba: SVK-828-Andresquintero – this member has not been logged in since July 23.
Thank you.
Admin Note
Hi Gala We have registered this.
I have 7 total expired postcards, however, all of the members have logged in even since this month so…I guess I have had 7 traveling postcards get lost! Maybe they will make it eventually to their destinations! I often wonder what happens to such cards–are they behind a postal desk? Did they get delivered to someone else? It’s a mystery!
Hi all!
I have sent a postcard HKG-1434 to Salaskina in Russia. this member has not been logged in since 5 sept and I have sent a postcard HKG-7462 to Pineheartbeat in USA. this member has not been logged in since 6 sept.
Thanks for concern
Admin Note
Hi Dorothy We have registered this.
I had to laugh at the comments above. Here’s why: I have 217 cards ‘missing’ = not registered. That is ridiculous and the postal equivalent of over $700 AUSD and rising. Far more than the entire 7 years I have been with Postcrossing (the other postcard site). I can accept the usual percentage ‘missing’ but most of these have been sent to accounts that are basically inactive. I even BEG the recipients to register them in the message on the backs of the cards. But they don’t. I have postal records of ALL cards I send. This place has become not only a waste of time and money but also quite bizarre really. And then the same problem happens….up to a few days ago the system said I had OVER 300 cards I could send! Yet the system would not allow me to send even one…for weeks on end! Another issue is receiving cards. I have no problems with the other postcard site – but here, I am lucky to get 3 a week. I have complained until I am blue in the face. New Years resolution: I will continue to register ALL cards I receive but I will not send any till either the problems are solved OR I receive all of the cards due to me. Whichever comes first!
Admin Note
Hi Templar59
Its seems as if we are unable to please you no matter what response or explanations
We will try to answer your issue here as best as we can
(1) You asked us to send out a high amount of Postcards many times we allowed you to do so
(2) This caused your account to show an imbalance amount at an early stage
(3) As such you had a large amount of postcards registered for you however you wanted to receive back within a short time the same amount this won’t happen the system will not give out your address at that rate currently the system has over 500 address slot of your address to be given out for you it will happen over some amount of time.
(4) We told you to write the members via the message before we take action, as of this instant you have only sent 1 message
(5) “Percentage ‘missing’ but most of these have been sent to accounts that are basically inactive†who’s inactive? List them
(6) You also yourself have large amount of Postcards traveling to you from members who are very active that is going expired.
(7) “up to a few days ago the system said I had OVER 300 cards I could send! Yet the system would not allow me to send even one.†This we explained to you before you have more than 1900 postcards sent as long there’s no new address the system will not give you an address you will have to wait and keep trying you have written us and told us to fix it, we don’t have to fix it you have to keep trying if you want any address.
Yes to confirm that figure is correct: 217 cards ‘missing’ ‘unregistered’ as of today.
MYS 27802 to SophiaChenny last login was August 17
MYS 27085 to Jen1997 last login was September 2
MYS 28268 to Repovrtilec last login was September 3
MYS 29067 to Threerunningcats last login was July 26
Somehow I’m glad that at least something is done for our massive amount of expired cards. But my heart still sink at the many traveling cards and the many members who never respond to the messages sent to register our postcards after it has reached its expired status. In any normal and logical circumstances, no postcard could survive more than 200 days of travel. And it also occurred to me that almost everyone whose cards I sent to has expired for months suddenly popped up and logged in for October, November and December. Perhaps these pop in and pop out members should just be taken out of the system. We don’t need members who practise disappearing acts especially since we the active members invested a lot of money on postcards and postage.
First off, thank you so much for doing this! I haven’t been able to send any postcards for about a month (despite having more than 160 “available” to send) because of a lack of available users. This sounds like a positive and effective step toward decreasing the backlog. Maybe consider removing expired postcards from the system after a year? This would be a good way to clean up the system on an ongoing basis, rather than having to do a massive purge like this. 🙂 Also, you’ve obviously put some thought into the “action” you’re taking, but I would suggest some sort of tiered system where those who haven’t logged in for three months get a friendly “reminder” email, those who haven’t logged in for, say, 6 months, get a slightly more serious reminder, and those who haven’t logged in for a year or more get a 7 day notice before their account is deactivated. Maybe deactivate it, but then make it accessible to retrieve for a short time just in case there’s an extenuating circumstance that caused the user to be unable to log in for that long of a time, but they still wish to be part of the project.
Here’s my list:
USA-6963 to Teacherette in Germany, sent April 1, 2016. No log in since May 13, 2017.
USA-9082 to Lyriwy in Taiwan, sent July 16, 2016. No log in since June 23, 2016.
USA-10662 to Morganangela in USA, sent Sept. 18, 2016. No log in since September 13, 2017.
USA-13522 to Hannaahl in Sweden, sent Jan 14, 2017: No log in since May 11, 2017.
USA-14359 to Shinyen in Malaysia, sent Feb. 14, 2017. No log in since July 23, 2017.
USA-15356 to Liongjun in Malaysia, sent Mar 21, 2017. No log in since September 03, 2017.
USA-17185 to Panda20 in Thailand, sent May 21, 2017. No log in since August 03, 2017.
USA-17404 to Woelkchen80 in Germany, sent May 28, 2017. No log in since June 28, 2017.
USA-17658 to Katrientje in Belgium, sent Jun 04, 2017. No log in since September 09, 2017.
Dear Admin
1) It is not my job or other members job to send ENDLESS amounts of messages chasing card registration.
2) How is No.1 to occur? If we can send ONLY 3 MESSAGES?? How long would it take to send 217 messages out??? What to do the math? 3 messages a day would take approx. 72 days.
3) I sent you an email the other day. A Chinese account called ‘Han’ had sent 63 CARDS out and NIL RECEIVED??? How was that possible???
4) There have been a lot of inactive accounts. Others are commenting on that as well. Why is it our job to fix it via messages???
5) Yes I sent a lot of extra cards out IN INITIAL SUPPORT FOR THIS GROUP – TO GET IT GOING. It does not and it never will explain the card ‘imbalance’ I and others are experiencing because it goes back to the number – the sheer number of accounts that are basically inactive or they are just not registering cards. If you are doing something about it now. Fine – with thanks. But it should have happened previous to this.
6) For some reason, your members from certain countries do not seem to think that they have to register cards! You know the countries involved. Actually there is mainly only one country and we all know which one that it. Perhaps they should be limited to one for one card until at least 20 are sent/received and they are active.
You are soliciting funds to keep this group going. That’s good. But you have a role to play in actually keeping it going.
And yes, I can give you the numbers of all the cards I sent and the percentage of inactive accounts AT THE TIME OF THE SENDING.Here are just some of them that were basically inactive, to which I have sent cards and that have never been registered by the receiver:
AUS-5819 CHINA +1.5 months
AUS-5969 CHINA + 1 month
AUS-5947 CHINA + 1 month
AUS-5627 CZECH REPUBLIC + 2 months
AUS- 5721 INDONESIA + 1 month
AUS- 5706 MALAYSIA + 1 month
AUS- 5853 MALAYSIA + 2 months
AUS- 5871 POLAND +1.5 months
AUS- 8560 RUSSIA + 1.5 months
AUS- 6284 RUSSIA + 1.5 months
AUS- 6377 CHINA + 1 month
AUS-5860 RUSSIA +1.5 months
AUS-5629 SWEDEN + 2 months
AUS-5534 RUSSIA + 2 months
AUS-5531 RUSSIA – MEMBER FOR 2 YEARS & not 1 single card registered!!!!! How was that possible?
and on and on and on
Curiously you have only answered my comments (so far). Perhaps you have forgotten the rest of the members?
No matter which way you look at it or the math, the numbers do not make sense by any stretch of the imagination:
Sent: 1934 Postcards
Received: 1176 Postcards
Available to send: 13 Postcards
Traveling: 253 Postcards
Not registered: 217
Dear Admin,
These are the ID:
CHN-12178 This member last seen was on June 09, 2017 05:17 AM
CHN-12979 This member last seen was on October 20, 2017 04:38 AM
CHN-13126 This member last seen was on November 24, 2017 02:25 AM
CHN-13560 This member last seen was on July 09, 2017 08:04 AM
CHN-14494 This member last seen was on August 22, 2017 03:45 AM
CHN-14791 This member last seen was on October 04, 2017 01:13 AM
CHN-15049 This member last seen was on October 17, 2017 05:31 AM
CHN-16022 This member last seen was on September 02, 2017 11:22 PM
CHN-17126 This member last seen was on October 08, 2017 02:03 PM
CHN-17724 This member last seen was on July 26, 2017 04:19 AM
CHN-18545 This member last seen was on October 06, 2017 05:26 PM
CHN-18715 This member last seen was on August 26, 2017 07:25 PM
CHN-19221 This member last seen was on September 09, 2017 02:10 AM
CHN-19350 This member last seen was on October 28, 2017 07:28 AM
CHN-20443 This member last seen was on October 21, 2017 05:12 AM
CHN-20951 This member last seen was on September 05, 2017 06:57 AM
CHN-20989 This member last seen was on October 14, 2017 04:25 AM
CHN-21656 This member last seen was on October 26, 2017 01:00 AM
CHN-24434 This member last seen was on September 25, 2017 09:30 AM
CHN-27161 This member last seen was on August 19, 2017 02:24 AM
CHN-27330 This member last seen was on October 14, 2017 05:41 PM
CHN-27331 This member last seen was on November 20, 2017 12:59 AM(This member has not registered any postcardTT)
I have sent a postcard to Indonesia: SVK-655-Bluepostcardbox – this member has not been logged in since August 08
ROU-2768 = 410 DAYS
ROU-2877 = 391 DAYS
I have today some free time, so I look into my “old” travelling postcard (and check, how many postcards are lost – so, I have “some” re-send to sent).
I selected 27 travelling postcard, whose recipients meet the condition “logged before September 15, 2017”:
Many, many thanks for Administrators for this action and wish all Adminis and Users all the best and many postcards in 2018!
P. Wolf
The comment from Templar59 is spot on in terms of bringing to light some of the logistical issues on this site, that are not present on “the other site” (let’s be real, we’re talking, of course, about Postcrossing.) The fact that the admin responded is good, but the vibe I’ve picked up is that the admins tend to see criticism as a personal attack, and I hope the following doesn’t come across as such. Below are the comments from the admin, as well as what Postcrossing has done to maintain a workable user experience. Again, this is not intended to blame or attack any members of the admin team, I understand running a website is hard work!
“(1) You asked us to send out a high amount of Postcards many times we allowed you to do so”
This is because the system allows for too much growth in the number of postcards able to be sent simultaneously (i.e. the exponential growth is too high.) In addition, there needs to be an upper limit or cap on how many postcards can be sent from one user, regardless of how many postcards they have sent. Having 300+ traveling postcards is unmanageable. It’s inevitable some may go missing, get lost or otherwise forgotten. Postcrossing caps theirs at 50, which allows for plenty of turnover, especially since they also expire postcards after 60 days, and remove them from the system completely after one year. These controls do not put unreasonable demands on the user experience.
“(2) This caused your account to show an imbalance amount at an early stage”
Again, this has everything to do with the seemingly uncontrolled growth rate of the number of traveling postcards. Without a cap in place, and a slower-growing limit, it isn’t long before you reach a situation where you have 300+ cards that can potentially be traveling at the same time, many of which have been unaccounted for.
“(3) As such you had a large amount of postcards registered for you however you wanted to receive back within a short time the same amount this won’t happen the system will not give out your address at that rate currently the system has over 500 address slot of your address to be given out for you it will happen over some amount of time.”
And herein lies the problem. There is no logical reason for people to need 500 cards traveling at the same time. If the concern is that the user will send all their cards and then twiddle their thumbs for 6 months while the cards end up wherever they end up, then the solution, again, is to implement a cap, a shorter expiration time, and a daily, automatic purge from the system of all cards that have been traveling for more than 365 days. Chances are, if a card has been “traveling” for more than 2 years, it either got horribly lost in the mail or the user has abandoned the platform (more likely.)
“(4) We told you to write the members via the message before we take action, as of this instant you have only sent 1 message”
This is a reasonable request, except when you have 200+ cards traveling at once and time is at a premium. Expecting your users to send multiple direct messages to each of 200 people, some of whom have long abandoned the site, is unreasonable. I have real-life experience with trying to contact 100 people on a monthly basis, which takes a great deal of time. Having to do this for a postcard site kind of takes the fun out of the project. By the time I was done emailing everyone, I would have no energy left to actually write the cards. I was under the impression that PostcardUniting was supposed to be a fun hobby, and placing the burden of what basically are “collection calls” (emails) on the user sending the card makes it not as enjoyable.
Also, I’ve found the direct message system on this site to be somewhat tedious, and a main reason I don’t really pursue direct swap requests anymore (although I do accept them.) In order to reply to someone’s message from Postcrossing, there is a button right in the email that takes you directly to the user’s profile. From there you can send the message. Conversely, in order to do the same on PostcardUnited, you must go to the site, find your inbox, find your messages, and a couple of clicks later, you’ve sent your message. The whole process easily takes a couple of minutes longer.
(5) “Percentage ‘missing’ but most of these have been sent to accounts that are basically inactive†who’s inactive? List them
I’m curious as to whether this was sent before this blog post was published. I would not have previously thought to manually check the profiles of each person I have cards traveling to, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this. I just did this myself in order to try to help this new process, and it literally took me about two hours.
“(6) You also yourself have large amount of Postcards traveling to you from members who are very active that is going expired.”
As did everyone else who had 200+ cards traveling simultaneously.
(7) ““up to a few days ago the system said I had OVER 300 cards I could send! Yet the system would not allow me to send even one.†This we explained to you before you have more than 1900 postcards sent as long there’s no new address the system will not give you an address you will have to wait and keep trying you have written us and told us to fix it, we don’t have to fix it you have to keep trying if you want any address.â€
I have never experienced this problem on Postcrossing. This is likely because the limits they set on the number of addresses they give out help ensure that the system never runs out of users. If you have a system that isn’t working – and if “no users are available†for weeks on end, then it’s not working – then honestly it is your job to fix it if you want to keep members. People are willing to be patient up to a point.
Again, I don’t intend to be cruel or mean-spirited in my remarks. I really do enjoy using your site, and want to see it be successful. I feel that one important way users can help is by pointing out problems as they are found (as Templar has done, quite thoroughly) so they can hopefully be fixed.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
I will add that Templar59 has a supporter badge on her profile, meaning she has made a financial contribution to this project in good faith that the site will be continually improved to create an enjoyable user experience. Criticizing a user for not taking on the sole responsibility of tracking down expired cards by using a limited allotment of daily messages (as Templar pointed out, it would take 72 days to contact more than 200 people ONE time each) is akin to biting the hand that feeds you.
I don’t want to insinuate that supporters are more important than non-supporting users. There are some people who simply want to use the site as a creative/social/therapeutic outlet, but who can’t afford to support the project financially on top of the cost of postcards and stamps (which in some areas can be expensive.) But those users who do make the generous gift of a supporter donation deserve to see a return on their investment. It’s the same one would expect from any business or nonprofit.
Here is a list of my postcards
UKR-1928 Sent Oct 11, 2016 to Mmestebeld /Netherlands/ Last Time Visited September 06
UKR-2183 Sent Dec 06, 2016, to Pelolena2 /Russia/Last Time Visited July 10, 2017
UKR-2323 Sent Dec 31, 2016, to Girlwiththepug /Poland/ Last Time Visited August 19, 2017
UKR-2434 Sent Jan 26, 2017 to Morganangela /United States/Last Time Visited September 13, 2017
UKR-2459 Sent Feb 06, 2017 to Anagram /Russia/ Last Time Visited August 24, 2017
UKR-2460 Sent Feb 06, 2017 to Aladyde /Germany/ Last Time Visited June 06, 2017
UKR-2589 Sent Mar 08, 2017 to Aeleebong /Malaysia/ Last Time Visited July 21, 2017
UKR-2726 Sent Apr 07, 2017 to Peter /India/ Last Time Visited July 01, 2017
UKR-2801 Sent Apr 21, 2017 to Liuchang15092 /China/ Last Time Visited June 20, 2017
UKR-2902 Sent May 10, 2017 to Niedergeschlagenheit /Ukraine/ Last Time Visited July 09, 2017
UKR-2919 Sent May 16, 2017 to FlyingOllie /Poland/ Last Time Visited May 16, 2017
UKR-3145 Sent Jul 12, 2017to Cookie4ddict /Germany/ Last Time Visited September 28
I have put my account inactive in SEPTEMBER 2017 due to a handicap, BUT I HAVE REGISTERED ALL RECEIVED POSTCARDS AFTER THAT!!!!
Now postcards are being registered that are even MORE THAN 2Y OVERDUE!!
Sorry, but if they are not registered, than I haven’t received them!!
Mayby an email to the member first would have been more friendly, so at least I could have replied, then you would have known what and how!!
This is a hostile way of working towards goodwilling people…
see you never again
Katrientje, I am very saddened by your condition and this making you feel in such away as you did,
You will receive a Personal response from me
My list:
POL 8340 Eithel
POL 8689 Augusta
POL 15357 Nedzumi
POL 15454 Carrotka
POL 15700 Cathy1211
POL 15928 Yu
POL 15949 Dendra
POL 16016 Eulogizerjiang
POL 16309 Liuchang15092
POL 17060 Poppylover
POL 17524 Allieren
POL 18031 Teddybear
POL 18530 Ines
POL 19892 Megacat85
POL 19993 Crazycactus
POL 20000 Angel84
I read over some of the comments here up until now and…well…I am sorry to some of these members! I agree that we cannot be presumptive about registration of postcards in certain cases as some cards do sincerely get lost so I was a bit hesitant to post my first reply though, fortunately, all of my expired postcards are traveling to members that have logged on recently–I wouldn’t have wanted to “call someone out” that potentially just never received my card verses not registering it! I feel badly for Templar59’s situation and I looked at her account and that makes me worry about how the site will continue to work as my number of sent cards increases. There is already a large imbalance in my sent and received cards for someone that has only sent a bit over 200 cards. I think these imbalances do come from quickly increasing “able to send numbers” though I myself requested an increase on that number not long after I joined here but I didn’t realize how that would ultimately work and affect numbers. I think once cards expire they also need to get removed from the “traveling list.” The idea of it being expired implies that it has stopped traveling and has been lost. I took a hiatus for quite some months on here from sending postcards and I was sincerely surprised at how long I continued to receive postcards in my mailbox after I had stopped though I diligently logged each one received–if it showed up to me then it was logged! I couldn’t understand how I kept receiving postcards long past the number that I had sent. It admittedly didn’t seem quite fair for me to get many more than I had sent. I recently started sending again and I have started to receive again in return, however, it seems that first my numbers should even out–I am okay with sending and not receiving as it only seems right for me to not get more than I have sent. This is only my general view and feedback and I hope it somehow helps the owner! I am not quite sure where the issue is but maybe it would be best to look at how to correct the numbers situation correctly for the sake of making people feel secure about using the site–it might even increase user enrollment!
“I am not quite sure where the issue is but maybe it would be best to look at how to correct the numbers situation correctly for the sake of making people feel secure about using the site–it might even increase user enrollment!”
I’m not sure if Quirkylady meant “secure” in terms of feeling welcome, or actual security, but the later is another issue that hasn’t been brought up yet in this thread.
One major reason Postcrossing limits the number of cards traveling simultaneously is so that in theory no one has access to any more than 50 addresses at one time (unless you save every single confirmation email, and then retrieval of all those addresses would be super tedious.) There is potential for abuse of the system (think someone with nefarious intent selling all these names and addresses to a mailing list or worse), and that potential goes way up when one user has easy access to 300+ addresses. It’s akin to leaving your entire database wide open. I’m not trying to scare people, but it is important to point out that the lack of a cap and rapid growth rate of the sending limit is not only a design flaw that will end up breaking the site again – it’s a realistic security issue.
Katrientje, I absolutely agree with you in your thinking that penalizing people for a four-month hiatus is a bit extreme, especially when there are so many cards traveling for indefinite periods of time. I’ve taken extended breaks from sending cards on several recent occasions, and yet continued to receive cards for a couple of months. Despite this, my number of traveling cards has not dipped below 100 in about a year.
As I suggested in my first comment, the admin should send a friendly reminder to those who have logged in within the past year, but who haven’t registered cards that have been expired for at least a month or two. There should be no penalty for people who are not sending cards, because sometimes we all need to take a break.
The users who have not logged in since 2016 probably need some sort of administrative action on their account, maybe having it locked for a set period of time (so the user would need to reset their password and log in before using the site to send cards, and so the associated address would not be selected to receive a card.)
Another suggestion, based on Katrientje’s comment below, is to reword the message sent by the admins after they register expired cards so it doesn’t sound too negative (because really, there are plenty of cards that just never arrive, not the fault of the sender or the receiver.)
Maybe instead of this:
“This Postcard was registered by the Administrator, the member failed to Login and was last seen on or before September 15, 2017.”
something like this might go over a bit friendlier and preserve the spirit of goodwill:
“Hello PostcardUnited friend! We just wanted to let you know that we administratively registered Postcard #USA-12345. We understand that sometimes mail does get lost, and don’t want to penalize you for a missing card.
We also noticed that you haven’t visited us since January 1, 2016, and wanted to make sure all is well with you. We understand that sometimes life requires our users to take a break from postcard exchanging, and that’s ok!
We do encourage you to come back and visit soon, as inactive users do impact everyone’s enjoyment of the site. We will find it necessary to lock your account from receiving cards if you do not log in by January 31, 2018. If this happens, your address will not be selected to receive a postcard. Administrator-locked accounts may be deleted after 30 days if no activity has occured.
Thank you for using our site, and we hope to see you around soon!”
Tone is everything. 🙂
Great Idea suggestion Alaskanpoptart we will have it adjusted based on your advise.
Thank you
The Administrator
Hello! What to do if I jad sent the postcards already to the addresses that I picked but they never receive it. I messaged them already and they told me that they never received any card from me. But i did send them. Now, i have two postcards expired. I think, it’s nobody’s fault but it’s a lookout of the post office. What is supposed to be done to cases like mine? Thanks!
Expired cards for yesterday and today. This is now the pattern day in and out. 214 cards expired and this will make it 222 cards.
AUS-7205 China (active account)
AUS-7210 China (not logged in for 1 month)
AUS-7212 Egypt (not logged in for 1 month)
AUS-7216 Poland (active account)
AUS-7217 Brazil (active account)
AUS-7223 UK (not logged in for nearly 2 months – sent only 1 card none rec’d)
AUS-7225 UK (not logged in for 2 nearly 2 months)
AUS-7226 UK (not logged in for nearly 2 months)
DEU-14288, Marieisbusy, sent Mar 29, 2017
DEU-18179, Boudewina, sent Aug 17, 2017
I send a message to both of them and asked, if they got my cards, but they both didn’t reply even though they have been online after I sent my message.
Hi 🙂 Greetings from Warsaw!
POL-8708 to Augusta, Last Time Visited: March 07, 2017.
POL-11888 to Joy, Last Time Visited February 04, 2017.
POL-19714, ElysianR last time visited 11.09.2017
POL-1294, user Szabinka didn’t loged since November 29, 2016. Thanx. macgyver
1. CHN-2256 Lutmar07 (hasn’t logged in since March 19)
2. CHN-2449 Ssultan (hasn’t logged in since April 29)
1. POL-16575 Shinyen
Here is one person who has not logged on since May:
USA-18385 Tunteja
Another since September:
USA-18966 Eva_m
Thank you for doing something about the issue. It is very frustrating when you have people who lack doing the decent thing!
In the next few days these cards will expire – mostly from inactive accounts. Whats the missing in action count now? 224 or 225 cards? I’m losing count!
AUS-7235 TURKEY Not logged in for + 7 weeks – nil cards rec’d
AUS-7236 MALAYSIA Not logged in for + 3 weeks
AUS-7280 MEXICO Not logged in for 2 MONTHS
AUS-7290 POLAND Active – but relatively new account
AUS-7303 TURKEY Not logged in for + 7 weeks
I’ve sent HUN-780 to Morganangela on 30/May. Her last logged-in was on 13/Sept.
Thank you!
Happy New Year!
ROU-3285 to Marieisbusy.
ROU-3513 to Yujingc.
Hi Admin , there are some postcards sent to me dating back to august but it seems that each time i try to register them it seems to have a problem . Not sure if u could help me solve the problem
Hi – I have a postcard traveling to Jen1997 USA-18342 – this member has not logged in since Sept 2. Thank you.
Hello! Here is my list:
USA-17635 Nesterenochka
USA-21264 SophiaChenny
USA-21820 Cansu
Thank you.
I have sent a postcard to:
MYS-8623 to Khalamova (Russia,Last Time Visited April 15, 2017)
I send postcard to Fawnfriend (Samantha)16 August 2017 RUS-60258. She was log September 02, 2017 02:19 AM.
Here is my list:
LTU-1974 Jen1997
LTU-1849 Ellobee
LTU-1696 Lynette
Thank you.
MYS-30067 SophiaCenny (Sent 17 Sep 2017. Not seen since 17 Aug 2017)
MYS-31879 Mymymymy (Sent 21 OCt 2017. Not seen since 24 Oct 2017)
BEL – 1428 ,to Pingching , TAIWAN, sent on Aug 2 2017 , no login since Aug 20 2017 .
Thank you
POL-21994 to Andrea80 (Indonesia)
Here is my list:
CHN-26154 ChansookJung
Here is my list:
CHN-19710 PostcardPerfect last seen was 2017.9.06
TWN-5187 TinaMi
PHL-1928 To Jelissa. Last log-in is May 25 2017
PHL-2595 To ValentinaArt. Last log-in is Nov 2017
ROU-3451 to LunaRutita – Last Time Visited October 06, 2017 05:26 PM
ROU-3669 to Iamjuita – Last Time Visited January 10, 2018 03:42 AM
ROU-3694 to Zairadiana1995 – Last Time Visited January 07, 2018 03:33 AM
Hi Adminstrators!
Some postcards sent by me have expired for a really long time.
CHN-24434 to Russis Last Time Visited September 25, 2017 09:30 AM
CHN-28114 to USA Last Time Visited October 24, 2017 05:08 AM
CHN-27163 to South Korea November 26, 2017 04:26 AM
CHN-25445 to Australia Last Time Visited December 01, 2017 05:27 AM
CHN-21656 to USA Last Time Visited October 26, 2017 01:00 AM
CHN-20998 to Malaysia Last Time Visited November 23, 2017 03:17 AM
CHN-19272 to TAIWAN Last Time Visited November 25, 2017 12:21 AM
CHN-18545 to USA Last Time Visited October 06, 2017 05:26 PM
CHN-17724 to Malaysia Last Time Visited July 26, 2017 04:19 AM
CHN-17126 to Czech Republic Last Time Visited December 28, 2017 10:05
CHN-16583 to Germany Last Time Visited November 18, 2017 11:54 AM
CHN-31474 to South Korea Last Time Visited October 10, 2017 08:56 AM
CHN-33264 to China Last Time Visited January 27, 2018 08:30 AM
Thank you so much!!
Many thanks to the adminstrators of this website.