Want to send more Postcards during the Holiday?
Postcardunited | December 21, 2018
Want to send more Postcards during the Holiday?
We are going to be giving members a few more slots in the Available to Send Area.
Here’s what to do if you will like to send more Postcards during the holiday Period
make a comment under this Blog Post and let us know.
Please note the following:
You must have send and have registered a minimum of 1 of your Postcard.
The administrator will use discretion when adjusting the Available to Send Area. During this time
Please state the requested amount in the Comment.
Thank you
Happy Holidays
Administrator Note: This has now ENDED last comment/ request was from DisneyGal, hope you guys enjoyed this, let us know , we will have this again some other time thanks.
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Members Recent Activities
- Laylah
sent a postcard to Russia
- Sasori1027
uploaded the postcard CHN-249349
- Katrinay
sent a postcard to Australia
- biladjam
uploaded the postcard CHN-284268
- biladjam
received a postcard from muscle
- Sasori1027
received a postcard from 1091487605
- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to Australia
- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to Taiwan
- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to Taiwan
- Catus
received a postcard from parkcat35
- Catus
received a postcard from TsengYIngYi
- Katrinay
sent a postcard to United Kingdom
- Catus
received a postcard from jellybeans
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sent a postcard to Norway
- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to India
- debbielou8769
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- Katrinay
received a postcard from itsme11
- Katrinay
received a postcard from nami
- emeraldcitysara
received a postcard from aH
- veduschij1
sent a postcard to China
- faryringEY
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- kristinape
reacted on postcard SVK-2715
- yumuyang
sent a postcard to Japan
- veduschij1
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- faryringEY
sent a postcard to Czech Republic
- Azizi1324
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- lisnora2022
uploaded the postcard MYS-107657
- Chicklet81
received a postcard from AnchovyAndMarlin
- lisnora2022
received a postcard from Mazz
- Juras
sent a postcard to China
- BubbleBobble
received a postcard from AkeyWu
- Gae
sent a postcard to Russia
- Gae
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- Gae
sent a postcard to China
- Gae
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- BubbleBobble
received a postcard from alickli
- BubbleBobble
reacted on postcard IND-32591
- BubbleBobble
received a postcard from Davidsk
- veduschij1
reacted on postcard RUS-19313
- LauHok
sent a postcard to China
- LauHok
sent a postcard to China
- LauHok
sent a postcard to Poland
- goldnotice
sent a postcard to China
- veduschij1
sent a postcard to Italy
- LauHok
sent a postcard to Philippines
- LauHok
sent a postcard to China
- LauHok
sent a postcard to Russia
- for2na
received a postcard from muscle
- omjorek
received a postcard from LynnKo33
Please, 3 slots more, if possible
It would be wonderful if I could get 5-10 more slots, if possible. Who knows, I might get lucky 🙂
please I would love to send more
I would love new amount of traveling postcards
Could I please get 20 more cards to send?
Could I please get 10 more cards to send
5 more slots would be great
I would like to have 3 more cards to send, Thank you 🙂
Could I get 10 more slots? If it’s possible, it will be a joy during holiday season.
I would like 4 or 6 more slots! Thank you kindly.
I would love 30 more slots (one for each day of the month, so I can send out one a day to a lucky person). If this is not possible, I’ll take whatever I can get.
Thanks!! 😀
Edit: Thank you so much for granting my request!
I would love to send 10 more postcards, please
I would love 10 more slots, please. I am going to a postcrossing meetup next month and would love to have extra slots for that.
Sorry my English is very bad.
Thank you so much for granting my request!
I do not know the reason, but the initial amount of cards granted by you, was then reduced.
The initial amount was a great surprise, but it’s okay, thank you.
Merry Christmas and happy 2019.
– – – – –
Yes, I want to send the largest number of postcards possible during the Holiday. Thank you! Ronaldo.
thank you!!! how fun! I have spent all day writing postcards
I would like 5-8 more postcards! Thank you~~^^
please 15 more postcard
Surprise me! 🙂
I would very much like to send another 30-50 cards. Thanks
Hello from Rostock, Germany.
Baltic Sea, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
I would like to be able to upload my postcards to you, but you limited it by 2 MB. It is too little I think.
So I cannot upload the cards to show here.
ADMIN NOTE: Rainer It’s unfortunate that you are unable to upload the Postcard images but are able to upload your selfie please try uploading the Postcard Images now and let us know if there’s any improvements.
Thank You
Another 20-30 please!
Edit: Thanks for granting my request.
I would like to send 5 more。Merry Christmasï¼
I would very much like to send another 30-50 cards. Thanks
Happy upcoming holiday season! Ready to send extra 20-30 cards. Thanks!
Would like to send 30-50 more cards – thank you 🙂
I would love 30-50 more slots – thank you 😉 Merry Christmas!
i would like to send more~
Would like to send 20-30 more cards. Thank you 🙂
Could I get 10-20 more slots, please? I want to share the joy of holiday season with others.
10-20 extra slots, if possible.
Thank you a lot in advance!
I would like to get 30 more slots if possible, thank you!
I want te send another 20-30 please!
I would love to be able to send more. Thank you!
I would very much like to send another 30-50 cards. Thanks ï¼
I would very much like to send another 50 cards. Could you provide me with the accounts outside my country.In addition,Now the photos has been unable to open.Thanks!
I would like to send 5 more postcard, thank you.
I would very much like to send another 50 cards. Could you provide me with the accounts outside my country?Thanks!
I would very much like to send another 50 cards. Could you provide me with the accounts outside my country
ADMIN NOTE: The selection is Automatic We can’t make any promises at this time
hi! i am sorry!I changed my mind!I would very much like to send another 50 cards. Could you provide me with the accounts outside my country?Thanks!
I would like to have 300 more cards to send, Thank you 🙂
I would like to send another ten postcards,thanks😀
You like sending cards, i like receiving. I won’t mind if my address will be drawn unlimited times 😅😅😅
I would like 7 more postcards! Thank you!
I would LOVE 40!! if not, please allow your acceptable amount.
thanks so much!!
I would recevied postcards not send.
Hi, 5-10 more slots would be wonderful. Thanks!
I would like to send another 10-15 postcards,thanks 🙂
10 more would be fine 🙂
I would like to send 10 more, please. Thank you
60 more will be great!
I woud love to send more cards
I would have 20 more postcards,Thanks!
I would like 30 more slots, please!
I would like to send another 5-10 more to outside my country. Thank you.
Can I have 30-50 more slots please.
I would like to have 100 more cards to send, Thank you 🙂
Greetings! I would like to send 10 more postcard, thank you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
May I have maybe 10-15 more ,I would love to send more.
please 5
Dear Postcard United administrator, firstly I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2019 !
Would also love if you could close some of my un-registered postcards… and I promised that I have posted all of those to the peoples I was sent the name from (even better all of my letter and postcards or maxicards are sent with a return address sticker so if un-delivered they should ideally be return to me – but this happen rarely or not at all)
Anyway hope to be able to send some more postcards soon !
Laurent in Sydney
Can I send another 20 postcards please?
5 postcards, please, and it would be nice if you close my expired cards at last-there are many((
Sooo, I may or may not have almost sent the 30 extra cards I requested. Could I get maybe a few hundred more slots please? If no, that’s fine. ^^’
Yes, I hope to send at least 25 postcards over the holidays.
Yes please! As many as you would like! I love sending postcards!
More! More! More, please.
10-20 slots more, that would be great!
Can I send another 50 postcards please?
I want send 50 more,thank you
extra 100 postcard to end please. thank you
extra 100 postcards to send please. thank you
I want send 100 more,thank you
Can I send another 50 postcards please? thanks!
I have already my cards, and If possible, I would like to have 50 or more cards to send. Thank you 🙂
5 more please! Merry Christmas
Hello! Administrator of the Postcard United.
I am YUK from Hong Kong.
I can send more postcards to share the happiness to other members during the holiday.
How about 50 postcards?
Thank You and Merry Christmas!!!
I have the same problem that Laurent has. Some people just put inactive or incorrect address and my postcards return to me. Or just some people didn’t visit postcard united during some months. I am so happy that you helped me with it on this week. Thank you!
Oh course I want to send more postcards! I will be so happy if you can do it for me!
I wish a Merry Christmas for all postcard united team and all postcard united members!
Please don’t forget to register your postcards!
Thank you, administrators! I really want to send as many postcards (300 – 375 pieces). I will be very grateful!
I would love to send 5 more.
I would like to send 5 more please.
Thank you
Dear Administrators: I really want to send 20-25pcs postcard to over the world and hope receive the postcard from over the world.
Thank you and Happy Merry Christmas
Thank you, administrators! I really want to send as many postcards (300 – 375 pieces). I will be very grateful!
Hello! Administrator of the Postcard United.
I have sent all extra postcards today.
If you don’t mind, can I send more during the holiday?
Thanks for your and Merry X’mas!!!
I would like to send 300 more。Merry Christmasï¼
I would like to send more cards 🙂
I would like to send more cards 🙂
I would love to send more postcards
During the holidays, I would like to send more postcards.
Maybe 50 more extra cards in the next two weeks please..
thank you..
Merry Christmas! I’d love to send more ,may I have 5-10 slots during New Year holidays,thanks
I am enjoying my holidays. Would like to spice it up by sending more postcards..maybe 25 cards more in the next 10-12 days.
Hello, administrator, I want to send more postcards within 10-15 days, please give me 30 places
Can you request 10-15 more postcards to send?
Can you request 10-15 more postcards to send?
Happy festive season! And thank you very much for your wonderful idea! I would be pleased to join this action and get 25 – 30 slots if possible. Good luck to EVERYBODY!
I would like to have 20 more postcards to send, Thank you
The more slots please I’d love to send more
Could I please get 30 more cards to send?
Hello! I want to congratulate the maximum number of people on holidays! thank you!
Could I please get 100 more slots to send? Much appreciated!
we need to send more cards to share the joy and love of the holiday season with everyone around the globe
Would love to send more if you’ll let me?!?
15 more slots if this is alright with you – happy new year 2019!
Would love to send more if you’ll let me?!?
I would love to send more postcards.
Would love to send more if you’ll let me?!?
Can I send another 50 postcards please? thanks!
It would be great to get another 10 slots, thank you 🙂
I would love to send more postcards.
please give me 20 places
I would like to have 25 more postcards to send. Thank you!
Please 5 slots more. Thanks.
Dear Administrator, I would like 6 slots, thank you.
I would love to send more postcards 🙂
Can I get 50 slots
Hello All,
I like to send more postcards, Can I get 40 more cards ?
Thank You loads
Could I have an additional 10 slots please?
Dear Administrator, I would like 6 slots, thank you 🙂
I asked for 15 yesterday. I already mailed all 15. Is it ok to have another 15?
Dear administrator,
Happy holidays!
I would like to send 7 more postcards.
Thank you!
Dear Admin, Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy new year. I would like a few extra slots to send more cards this holiday season. Please add 15 slots for me if possible. Thank you
Hello! Admin of Postcard United.
I have sent all postcards.
Can I send 50 more postcards?
Thanks for your help.
Have a nice day!!!
It would be great to get another 10-20 slots, thank you and good luck and a happy new year 🙂
please give me 50 places
Happy holidays to everyone! I would love to share my joy and happiness with postcrossers all over the world! Can you please give me extra 25 cards? 🙂
I have already sent all my postcards,
Can I get 100 more slots ?
I have sent all my cards, Can I get 50 more slots ?
Hi, Administrator, could I have 6 slots cards to send. Thank you.
I have sent my cards, Can I get 200 more slots ?
Hi All,
Thanks to administrators for giving me more cards to send, I have finished sending my cards, Can I get 50 more slots ?
Greetings, I have already sent all my postcards. Can I get 100 more slots ?
Thank you, good luck and a happy new year 🙂
I would like 100 slots more, thank you
This would be great idea to have more slots, any number will make me happy!! Thanks and a Happy New Year!
Hi, Administrator, could I have 6 slots cards to send. Thank you. –
coupd100ê°œ ë” ì—½ì„œ ë³´ë‚´ì‹œê² ìŠµë‹ˆê¹Œ? 🙂
dear admin, can I have extra 100 postcards to send, please. thank you
Dear Administrator, I`ve already sent my 25 extra cards. May I have 25 more? Thanks!
I would like 50 slots more, thank you
Dear admin, could I get 70 slots more, please? Thank you.
Hi, Administrator, could I have 6 slots to send out, thank you.
It will be wonderfulif I get 10 more slots.
I would like to send more postcards!
please give me 30 places
I would love to send more cards 😉
please give me 30 places
Hello and Happy New Year to everyone and the admins.
I’ve already sent out my cards and am on a break for a few days. I’d love to get more slots to send out my postcards, perhaps around 30-50 more if it’s possible. Thanks in advance.
Hi, Administrator, could I have 4 slots to send out, thank you.
Hello everyone! All of the new 2019 year! I’ve almost sent all the extra cards. I’ll be done in the next two days. Can I add another 100-150 cards? Thanks a lot.
Hi, 50 extra postcard slots, would be wunderful, if possible. I love sending cards, all over the world.
May I have [a lucky number] 13 more slots?
May I have [a lucky number] 13 more slots?
May I have [a lucky number] 13 more slots?
Already used up all of my slots… could I have another 10 please?
Hello, I’ve already sent out my cards and I would like to send 10 more postcards!
Hello! I would love to send 10 more cards!
Please 10
During this holiday season, I would really like to send out 50 more nice Postcards to our like minded team members. Kindly enable me this..
Thanks n regards
During this holiday season, I would really like to send out 50 more nice Postcards to our like minded team members. Kindly enable me this..
Thanks n regards
During this holiday season, I would really like to send out 50 more nice Postcards to our like minded team members. Kindly enable me this..
Thanks n regards
This is that time of the year when you are in high spirits. What better than sending and receiving postcards from around the world. Can I please request to able to Send 100 more cards.
Best regards.. And Thank you
This is that time of the year when you are in high spirits. What better than sending and receiving postcards from around the world. Can I please request to able to Send 100 more cards.
Best regards.. And Thank you
This is that time of the year when you are in high spirits. What better than sending and receiving postcards from around the world. Can I please request to able to Send 100 more cards.
Best regards.. And Thank you
Please, 15 more slots if possible. Thanks
Can I get 100 more slots please ?
A huge request, if you can, I will send another 100-150 cards, or as many as possible. All the cards I’ve already sent. Thanks.
One Special request. If you could add another 50 cards to my Send slot. Shall enjoy sending and receiving lots of lovely postcards from all over the world, this holiday season.. 😊â¤ï¸
Hi. Dear Administrator.
Its winter time here, and holiday time too. Good time to enjoy coffee and write postcards and send all over the world. May I request you to add 100 more cards to my Send slot please. I will send this week only. Hope I shall also receive as many nice postcards from around the world, this month..
hello! please can you give me more slots again? you already gave me over 20, but I want more if it is possible:)
Dear Administrator,
If it’s possible, could I get 20 more slots?
Thank you so much!
hello administrator! Thanks always. please can you give me more slots? number is up to you! many thanks and happy holidays 🙂 happy 2019!
Hello Admin, Wish you Happy new year. Please add 10 more slots for me if possible. Thank you
Dear Admin, I have asked for more slots on December 22nd and 23rd and was wondering when I would be getting the extra slots! I have a lot of cards that I want to send out:)
Please 10 more availables to send. Thank you!
40 ?
May I have another round of extras to send out? Heading to the Post Office this afternoon and would love to put more smiles on faces around the world!!
Thank you for the opportunity!!
Season’s Greetings.
.May I request for adding 50 more to my AVAILABLE TO SEND slot please. Thanks, Best Regards
Season’s Greetings.
May I request for adding 50 more to my AVAILABLE TO SEND slot please.
Best Regards
Season’s Greetings.
.May I request for adding 50 more to my AVAILABLE TO SEND slot please. Thanks, Best Regards
Season’s Greetings.
.May I request for adding 50 more to my AVAILABLE TO SEND slot please. Thanks, Best Regards
20 more please
Hi, Administrator, could I have 4 slots to send out, thank you
안녕, 마스터! 엽서를 ë³´ë‚´ë ¤ë©´ 200 ê°œì˜ ìŠ¬ë¡¯ì´ ë” í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê°ì‚¬!
30 more slots if this is ok! thanks a lot and happy new year! 🙂
Dear Admin, Happy New Year!!
May I get 50 slots more? Thank you 🙂
Can I get 30 more slots? Thank you!
Can I request for 200 more slots please.
Its a pleasure sending and receiving more cards in the winter holiday season.
It’s a wonderful time nowadays. Can I have 15 more slots? Thank you!
May I request for adding 25 more to my AVAILABLE TO SEND please.
hello! I would like to send more cards. Please can you give me more slots? how about 30?? Thank you!
hello happy new year! i want 200 more slots please master!
Is it possible to add 25 more cards to my Send slot?
Thanks. 😊
Hi, Administrator, may I ask 5 slots, thank you.
May I request 10-15 slots more, if it’s possible?? Thanks in advance 🙂
A huge request, if you can, I will send another 50 cards, or as many as possible. All the cards I’ve already sent. Thanks.
30 more if possible, or any other numbers are appreciated.
Hi administrator,
I already finished all my slots, can I get 20 more slots please?
Thank you!
I would like to send another 10 postcards.
Please +10 slots for me!
Last opportunity. If you can – please give send 70 cards. Thanks.
Please allow a gift of 60 postcards… I love snail mail!!!!
As I love snail mail too, I would love 50 postcard slots. Thank you so much!
10 more please if you can! happy holidays!
Hi, Administrator, I would like to send another 10 slots, thank you.
I would like to send 10 more please!
Could I get 10 more slots? happy holidays!
Please send me 100 postcards.
Thanks and happy 2019.
10 more postcard
Dear administrator, I am from China. China’s New Year is in February, and now time is coming soon. We have a long holiday and I hope to use it to write more postcards to friends all over the world. Could you help me adjust my sending quota? Thank you very much ! Happy New Year ~
I want to get 10 more .Thank you
I would like to send 20 cards.
I would like to send 10-20 more postcards please 🙂
30 more please. Thanks
sooooo amazing!
Dear Admin, Happy New Year!!
May I get 50 slots more? Thank you 🙂
Dear Admin,
I would like 50 slots more if it’s possible.
Thank you a lot in advance.
Happy New Year to you,
Is it too late for another batch of slots? This has been too much fun!! Thank you!!!
I want to increase by 100 slot!!
Could I get 10 more slots? If it’s possible, it will be a joy during holiday season.
Can I have 13 more addresses please?
Could I get 30 more slots?
Dear Admin,
Happy March!!
I really really like to write postcards.
May I get 50 slots more?
Thank you 🙂
Dear Admin,
I really really like to write postcards.
May I get 10 slots more?
Thank you 🙂
I want to send 20postcards to members!
dear admin, can I have extra 100 postcards to send, please. thank you
Oh!, yes, I would.
Unfortunately, many destinations are very slow and I am often stopped …