Postcardunited | May 21, 2019
Dear Members,
We have decided to take action against members who have not logged in for 120 days or more.
We have taken this action because it’s unfair for active members to wait for an inactive member for more than 120 days to log in and register Postcards sent to them.
As such Postcards travelling to those Members will be auto-registered after 120 days have passed and that member has not been seen (logged in) being Inactive.
Emails will be sent to those members who had sent the Postcard and the inactive members who it was sent to when such postcard is being registered automatically.
We understand that sometimes life requires our users to take a break from postcard exchanging and that’s ok! But in the interest of the project, this action is necessary.
We do encourage Members to come back and visit soon, as inactive users do impact everyone’s enjoyment of the site.
Members can log in and re-Activate their profile from your Edit Account section.
Hope to see you soon.
Postcard United
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Members Recent Activities
- biladjam
received a postcard from muscle
- Sasori1027
received a postcard from 1091487605
- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to Australia
- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to Taiwan
- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to Taiwan
- Catus
received a postcard from parkcat35
- Catus
received a postcard from TsengYIngYi
- Katrinay
sent a postcard to United Kingdom
- Catus
received a postcard from jellybeans
- Argetlam
sent a postcard to Norway
- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to India
- debbielou8769
sent a postcard to Chile
- veduschij1
sent a postcard to Germany
- Katrinay
received a postcard from itsme11
- Katrinay
received a postcard from nami
- emeraldcitysara
received a postcard from aH
- veduschij1
sent a postcard to China
- faryringEY
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- kristinape
reacted on postcard SVK-2715
- yumuyang
sent a postcard to Japan
- veduschij1
sent a postcard to Italy
- faryringEY
sent a postcard to Czech Republic
- Azizi1324
sent a postcard to Netherlands
- lisnora2022
uploaded the postcard MYS-107657
- Chicklet81
received a postcard from AnchovyAndMarlin
- lisnora2022
received a postcard from Mazz
- Juras
sent a postcard to China
- BubbleBobble
received a postcard from AkeyWu
- Gae
sent a postcard to Russia
- Gae
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- Gae
sent a postcard to China
- Gae
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- BubbleBobble
received a postcard from alickli
- BubbleBobble
reacted on postcard IND-32591
- BubbleBobble
received a postcard from Davidsk
- veduschij1
reacted on postcard RUS-19313
- LauHok
sent a postcard to China
- LauHok
sent a postcard to China
- LauHok
sent a postcard to Poland
- goldnotice
sent a postcard to China
- veduschij1
sent a postcard to Italy
- LauHok
sent a postcard to Philippines
- LauHok
sent a postcard to China
- LauHok
sent a postcard to Russia
- for2na
received a postcard from muscle
- omjorek
received a postcard from LynnKo33
- for2na
received a postcard from SookFun
- lilifbrighente
sent a postcard to China
- for2na
received a postcard from Lulu8
- Funtropia
received a postcard from Svkhot
agree! i have many many postcards expired.
I agree too. I’ve several expired card
what a nice decition.
I have got tens of expried postcard.
I support yours newly actions…
Great. I dont want to have expired cards. I like people who enjoy to send cards so much. I enjoy Postcard United a lot.
I agree. For whatever reason I have nearly a HUNDRED cards that are probably close to a year from the day they were sent. Now and then I would get an email alerting me to the fact someone “registered” them but I knew it was probably the system “registering” the card since it had been mailed over 500 days ago. I like that this new rule will finally register the MANY cards that have expired!
I had already asked the administrators for a decision on this situation and I am happy that they take that attitude for the good of the group, those who like me respect the rules so that we can exchange postcards, meeting new people and cultures. I have at least 6 postcards in this situation. One of the profiles, the person to whom I sent the postcard, last visited the site on March 10, 2018. Much more than 120 days.Thank you for the good decision!
when it will be apply?
ADMIN NOTE: It’s active and its progressive to 120 days at this time, don’t worry it will come to a Postcard near you soon 🙂
Great news and wise decision… Thank you for improving the system…God bless us all!!!
Great news! I support this action.
Agree too ! To many postcards expired
Its a good new for all of us.
Thank you
Thank you! So many expired cards from inactive users.
In my case, I haven’t registered many cards yet is not because I’m inactive. It is because I never receive them! I’m mad at the post office near my house because their postmen never understand how important those postcards are. I had more than 20 automatic registered cards last week & only 1 that really came PHYSICALLY to me. I’m so sad 😢
In my case, I haven’t registered many cards yet is not because I’m inactive. It is because I never receive them! I’m mad at the post office near my house because their postmen never understand how important those postcards are. I had more than 20 automatic registered cards last week & only 1 that really came PHYSICALLY to me. I’m so sad 😢
In my case, I haven’t registered many cards yet is not because I’m inactive. It is because I never receive them! I’m mad at the post office near my house because their postmen never understand how important those postcards are. I had more than 20 automatic registered cards last week & only 1 that really came PHYSICALLY to me. I’m so sad 😢
In my case, I haven’t registered many cards yet is not because I’m inactive. It is because I never receive them! I’m mad at the post office near my house because their postmen never understand how important those postcards are. I had more than 20 automatic registered cards last week & only 1 that really came PHYSICALLY to me. I’m so sad 😢
Thank you, i have many cards sent to inactive members
In my case, I haven’t registered many cards yet is not because I’m inactive. It is because I never receive them! I’m mad at the post office near my house because their postmen never understand how important those postcards are. I had more than 20 automatic registered cards last week & only 1 that really came PHYSICALLY to me. I’m so sad 😢
In my case, I haven’t registered many cards yet is not because I’m inactive. It is because I never receive them! I’m mad at the post office near my house because their postmen never understand how important those postcards are. I had more than 20 automatic registered cards last week & only 1 that really came PHYSICALLY to me. I’m so sad 😢
It would be nice if admin will consider to terminate multiple accounts belonging to single users. Some site members having from 2 till 4-5 accounts. It’s quite annoying when you drawing addresses and see that few cards going to same person with same address but under different nicknames
Adil is right somebody with different user name sent me same postcard with same stamps and almost same message!!!
How sad!!!😲😲😲
Great news, thank you :))
Agreed! Maybe also consider terminating some users too…
Thank you 🙂 It’s frustrating when cards that I spent good money on go to people who seem to have quit even logging in.
That’s fair! Russian post services leave A LOT to be desired. I never received three cards that were registered today 🙁 I am very active in postcrossing within my country and I NEVER leave postcards unregistered.
Thank you. It’s actually a good idea
Agreeï¼ It’s a good idea and I think this is fair~
I agree too, I’ve several expired card.
Fair décision hoping in actives will be back soon… We need everybody to connect and unite people all over the world even in very retired places of the planet…
dear friends in PostcardsUnited,
dear administrator,
Please allow uploading postcards (photos of postcards) that have more than 2 MB.
Rainer in Germany
but I surly not receive their postcards. why they register autoly??Even I am inactive, I also will register postcards if I receive them. ok?
That’s really a good idea!Some members disappear for a very long time and I have a lot of expired cards.
I support this action.
Great ! …. thanks so much 🙂 !!
Sometimes yes, and sometimes no, not hundred per cent in agreement over this action smell of crap.
I surely support this move, as I feel that everybody has a right to keep inactive for as long as they wish, BUT should first register the postcards that are sent to them and inform the management of their wish to be inactive. Not to register cards is a lack of courtesy. I do know that some cards do get lost, and usually if you send a second one to the person, it arrives. I mean after contacting the member to check whether he/she received it or not. Some never answer these e-mails….
Maybe this is not the proper place to mention that, but while I am very satisfied with the site, there is a big problem. When you click on something, it takes often two-three minutes to get to the place you wish, so if one wishes to check the received postcards of the person one sends a card to, and then upload the photo of the card, it may be up to 15 minutes….. mostly waiting time. And if one does something else while waiting, one frequently comes back to find that one has been disconnected….another five MINUTES to get back to where one was. This is very off-putting. Am I the only one to have this problem? I have this problem on NO other site….. Please help if you can, as this prevents me from sending as many cards as I would wish….. THANKS
Administrator note: your statement about our website loading time is very misleading and untrue we have spent endless hours and resources trying everyday to make this website better and for you to say that, it’s very shocking, we wouldn’t want or expect anyone to go through such.
If you haven’t registered many cards because you haven’t received many cards, you’re not part of the problem! The admins are only taking action against those accounts that have not been logged in (meaning, the user has not even so much as visited the site) in four months.
I have had several cards administratively registered, and I really appreciate what the admins are doing. You can’t force someone to visit a site if they are no longer interested in the project, but it’s also not fair for one-time users to hold active members hostage. I don’t appreciate sending cards into the ether, because it costs money for the cards and money for the postage. However, I do so because I value the project. Having the cards registered automatically (meaning they show up as “sent” instead of “traveling”) reflects a lot more favorably on active users, because it shows that they did their part by sending the card, even if some members can’t even be bothered to log in anymore.
Also, as Rainer mentioned before me, it would be greatly appreciated if you increased the size limit for uploaded images. Pretty much any modern website should be able to handle photos larger than 2MB. Having to resize a photo I took on my phone (so, already pretty low resolution) in order to meet archaic requirements is extra work and likely unnecessary.
I noticed that some postcards sent by me were misplaced because they have been lost for a long time or it may be that the address has changed and was not communicated.
I believe that my postcards have not been delivered because it may also be because of the reason that many stopped and did not communicate the administration of the site and they even changed their address or country.
I’m really sad about all this.
I agree too, I’ve several expired postcards.
Thank you. Ronaldo.
I have recently come back and about a third of the ones I sent have not been registered which is a lot. I am still registering all I receive including some today but will send no more. I am a rare place too. Still money wasted even if it is registered after 120 days.
This is good but what about the people who say they will send cards then do not send them. they of course never get registered because they are never sent yet after a long period of time they are auto-registered and the person looks like an honest member
It would also help if you could click on the address and select ‘print’ like on Postcrossing. sometimes addresses are so long they are hard to write neatly and printing the address would be better
Thank you for your decision, too many expired cards !
But I also agree with Nytetears ( Kathy ) it would be handy , to have the possibility to ‘ click ‘ on the addresses and print them. Many Chinese/ Russian postcards do not arrive when the addresses are not printed in Russian or Chinese .
Thanks a lot, three of my expired cards have been registered automatically and this made me happy!
However, I wonder whether something could be done about the members who are still logging in some times but have never registered the cards sent to them….Maybe a friendly reminder… Once again, cards DO get lost, but only a very small percentage of them and this does not suffice to explain the big number of expired cards many of us experience.
Then, I am also wondering whether there is an explanation for the big discrepancy between the number of cards sent and the number of cards received…. I have so far received MUCH LESS cards than I have sent. Hard to imagine how a responsible person could do that, but do all members send a card after they have received a requested address????? (This question is addressed to the members in question, NOT to the management!).
Still I continue with 3 or 4 postcards posting and not registered.
I think they’re out or they’ve stopped.
Please check what is happening … there is a registration that does more than 200 days and no registration.
Fabio Bigglia
I have a difference between sent (120) and received (108). Die to this I stopped writing, because I have waited for the missing once. As you can see, nothing happened. I’m sad because I really appreciated writing postcards. 🙁
Administrator Note:
This is unfortunate because you have 57 Postcards travelling to you all have gone expired and you are just missing 12 Postcards to be even, we will not send any more to you out of 57 we are sure of those members sending out those postcards we can provide a list of these members that sent you postcards.
As I have mentioned in an earlier message, I have a big difference between “sent” postcards: 301 and “received” postcards: 228. This is an ununderstandable difference, as it seems impossible that so many cards got lost!!!! I receive a lot of mail (letters and postcards) through various channels and “lost” items are very rare. Do other members have so few received cards compared with sent cards?????
This is a message to those who wish to print the addresses but cannot since there is no ‘print’ option.
In your search button on your PC, type in “Snipping Tool”, an icon with scissors will come up. Drag that icon to your desktop.
With this feature you can draw a box around an address and simply paste it into a word file and then print from there. It is that easy.
I do not own a printer so I use this feature to paste the address into an email & then send it to myself at work and print from there. It is so easy especially with addresses going to Asia! Good luck 🙂
funny … I have asked several times to delete my account because of a disagreement, and now, 2 years later (!) i can still log in, AND got this message after logging in.
So i suppose I have to wait another 4 months now??
Love this action. I am in a ban of Postcrossing because I have to many expired sent cards. And they blame me, when people haven’t logged in for several month.
So here you have me again, active and boxes full of postcards waiting to be sent to members of this community 🙂
Hi admin.! I would like to ask what happened to those automatically registered postcards once the person reactivates? Will the sender send another one? I was absent for more than 9 months and I discovered that the system automatically registered 17 postcards when I did not even received such cards during my absence.
I’ve also stopped sending postcards because I have a big difference between received and sent postcards. But I also have too many expired postcards because Russian post isn’t good yet.
I can not figure out why there are so many cards travelling to me that have not arrived after weeks/months. The ‘expired cards’ number looks to be much higher than on ‘the other’ postcard website. Is there something PCU could do to stimulate better registration of postcards? (Just a question)
I have the same comment as Peter, compared to other sites I also patronize, here there are MANY MORE expired/unregistered cards than I get on other sites. Any explanation???? And when I send an e-mail to the persons who should have received my cards to ask what happened, I usually get no answer, even when I offer to send a replacement card in case the first one has gone lost…. All that is very disappointing. Many members seem to log in regularly (so the cards cannot get registered automatically when expired) but not register the cards?????
I send 56 cards and received 52 =((
So, I won’t send any new cards until I get my legal 4 cards!
– What will you do with my situation?
Well, I have sent 360 cards and received ONLY 316. I have 25 travelling among which 14 expired. These expired cards have mostly been sent to members who still log in regularly enough (recently, only a few cards were registered automatically after 120 days). In other cases, I have resent the card, which in two cases has resulted in the card being finally registered. But for some I have resent the card and still no registration, and no answer to my subsequent messages. What is going on????
I support this action.
I received 3 postcards without ID.
TUR – Ankara – tower (EU-Asia),
RUS – Guzaliya – historical map of the USA,
SGP – 20 … historical map.
Write me an ID. I will register the cards. Thanks.
I have noticed that some people are saying that web site does not accept card id on some received cards. ie I cannot register the received card – web site says number is wrong. I have one received card like this. I would like to register to acknowledge the sender but can’t identify sender profile to ask them for number. Given that more people are mentioning this problem – maybe there is a problem with the website and/or database?
Just so you know, if the website says your Postcard ID is incorrect it is incorrect.
we are amazed as to how fast people can jump to say that the website has a problem, the Postcard you received with the error
on it as you mentioned to us via email that you received with USA-50467 that is incorrect hence the reason the website says so, the correct Postcard ID is USA-50469
Thank you
Wrong decision!
I haven’t been online since weeks, because I go NO cards and now all travelling cards to me were registrated by PostcardUnited? I wrote you serveral messages that I have a huge among between seen and received, that I didn’t get any cards from this side, and instead of checking the problem, you registrated the travelling cards as received?
Is that your way to solve problems??? 57 cards I’ve never got and this is your solution?
Never had any problems like that with Postcrossing…
For me it means, I can draw all slots, don’t send anything and after 120 days they will be registered although the consignee never got any card?
Suche a shame…
Wrong decision!
I haven’t been online since weeks, because I got NO cards and now all travelling cards to me were registrated by PostcardUnited? I wrote you serveral messages that I have a huge among between sent and received cards, that I didn’t get any cards from this side, and instead of checking the problem, you registrated the travelling cards as received?
Is that your way to solve problems??? 57 cards that I’ve never got and this is your solution?
Never had any problems like that with Postcrossing…
For me it means, I can draw all slots, don’t send anything and after 120 days they will be registered although the consignee never got any card?
It’s a shame…
OK, so some people disappear for good and it doesn’t matter if you register postcards sent to them. I had a break from this website and came back to find postcards that I hadn’t received were registered on my account. Postcards can get lost in the post or they may never have even been sent! The result of this ridiculous rule – I will NEVER use this site again, Postcrossing is much better!
As I never received any answer or apologies about the problems I am encountering with this site and wrote to you about, I decide to bring that in the open again. In spite of the fact that ALL other sites I use work fast and smoothly, here with postcardunited I have to wait AT LEAST two MINUTES after each click, which makes it very tedious to try to log in, access one place , like registering a card and so on. Average 15 minute per card….. I am FED UP. And I am sure that something could have been done about that (by which I DO NOT mean telling me I am crazy and it is impossible!!!!). I have stopped sending cards, still labour hard to register the very few I still occasionally receive…. I have so far sent 40 more than I have received, go figure….. Here is another big problem!!!!
My message is that I am very dissatisfied, also about the automatic disconnecting every time one, bored with the long waits after clicks, goes somewhere else and comes back after a few minutes to face having to start the whole cumbersome process again…. On all sites I patronize, logging in is QUICK and one remains logged in until logging out or shutting the computer.
I would advise you to address these problems SOON!!! Otherwise you are going to lose me quickly and I am going to advise friends not to use your site…. Sorry!!!!!
Dear administrators,
After q long period of inactivity, I had the bad surprise to be notified that a big number of cards supposedly sent to me had been registered automatically… These cards never reached me, and had they reached me, I would naturally have registered them even if inactive. This makes no sense at all, as it is absolutely impossible that so many cards got lost!, on other sites I use only very few get lost…. and there is absolutely no problem with my local mail deliveries.
In spite of all your bragging about updating the site, it sadly remains much too slow for comfort, even when I use a VPN. Your way of addressing this problem was to insult me and say I was not right in the head…I guess you had better mend your public relations behaviour. May i let you know that when I had a similar problem of very sloz access to postcrossing, they immediately and successfully solved it?????
Your Email to us below:
After I wrote many messages in the blog about the problems I was encountering with PostcardUnited, you NEVER answered me after a first answer saying my complaints were impossible. Do you think I belong to a mental hospital or what? I read that you are “upgrading” the site, I wish this would mean solving the problems some of us members are facing and that keep me away from the site…. I am considering unsubscribing, I am just waiting for your answer to this question:
Are you FINALLY going to do something about
-the long wait after each click to get to the next step
-the tedious disconnecting after a few minutes while I have not logged out
-the discrepancy between received and sent cards
If you cannot or do not wish to do anything about these points, be honest enough to tell me and I will immediately leave that site
Of course, as I am so badly disappointed with the site, I will let all my friends know….
No answer to my queries?
PostcardUnited Responce Date: 2020-07-04 00:35
Hello Françoise,
On further analysis of your email message, we are not very happy with your description of yourself and your threats to us, also the constant misuse of the messages, as we advised you before the issue with waiting for 30 minutes for our site to load is impossible given the resources we have.
To compound matters, we have tripled our resources of our website over the past months so if you are not getting any immediate improvements something is worth looking into at your end.
120 days of inactivity is too much to fire someone or block! I have a lot of postcards sent and lost because some haven’t been on the website in 2.3 months!
If you are passionate about collecting postcards, 2 months of inactivity is a lot, but we have to understand, but 4 months? Much, much too much!
If you don’t do something about it, I’ll retire …
Thank you!
I agree. 120 days is toooo long.
Lets compromise and make it 90 days = 3 months.
That should do it ….
Good afternoon!
120 days seems like a long time to me!
In addition to those who no longer access the site (which is the minimum and 120 days is too long!), it would be necessary to solicit and possibly suspend those who have not registered, or sent for some time and/or have not replied for some time.
I see users who haven’t registered for months and months (they don’t reply to messages, so maybe they had changed their e.-mail address…). They may access the site from time to time, but without sending or registering.
We “talked” about it briefly on F.b.
I had seen that you were already, quite rightly, making those automatic registrations after a good 120 days of complete inactivity. Whatever!
Could the internal messaging system also be improved?
Three messages some days is very little, others maybe not. Set a monthly, or fortnightly, limit?
In the e.-mail notifying new messages, at least also state the subject? Many people do not reply (perhaps because they have even changed their e.-mail address, etc.), but perhaps reading the subject line at once might, if interested, stimulate them to log in, read and reply
Maybe the system is going a little better, but I repeat that 120 days is a lot!
Furthermore, if the user accesses the site, but does not register any postcard? Does the 120 days start all over again?
Thank you