Welcome to our First Official Post!
Postcardunited | February 2, 2016
Hello to All Members of Postcard United.
A warm Welcome to our wonderful Corner where Postcards and People unite to build happy relationship, around the Globe through the sending and receiving of Postcard between Members.
In our corner we would like you to know that You, yes You, are part of the Postcard United family and it truly has been an exciting and wonderful experience, to see and share in the success that you have help to create here.
For you the Member have created Friendship, Togetherness, Warmth, Hope and most of all Love within this very special Family circle.
We would like to say a special Thank you to all our Members for making Postcard United a fantastic success.
Let us continue to unite and create a happier World, by sharing your testimony about Postcard United.
Tell us what Postcard United means to you?
Happy Postcard Uniting!
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Members Recent Activities
- Juras
sent a postcard to Netherlands
- Juras
sent a postcard to India
- Mel77Stitcher
received a postcard from fayrahim
- EmmaLouViolet
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- Mel77Stitcher
received a postcard from NLBirds
- TheycallmeJenZ
received a postcard from Katrinay
- Mel77Stitcher
received a postcard from faryringEY
- Mel77Stitcher
received a postcard from FrankStephenPCU
- Alexander1970
sent a postcard to Italy
- halsza
sent a postcard to Ukraine
- Mel77Stitcher
received a postcard from dsw
- Mel77Stitcher
received a postcard from maripsj
- halsza
uploaded the postcard CHN-283819
- for2na
sent a postcard to United States
- halsza
received a postcard from qiaozixuan
- halsza
reacted on postcard NLD-18564
- halsza
received a postcard from Mara71
- evg335
sent a postcard to Poland
- TheycallmeJenZ
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- for2na
sent a postcard to Spain
- TheycallmeJenZ
sent a postcard to United States
- TheycallmeJenZ
sent a postcard to Italy
- nahoko
sent a postcard to China
- Argetlam
received a postcard from shipeak100
- evg335
sent a postcard to Korea (South)
- nahoko
received a postcard from wori
- for2na
sent a postcard to Australia
- NLBirds
reacted on postcard NLD-16959
- nahoko
sent a postcard to Philippines
- nahoko
sent a postcard to Malaysia
- NLBirds
sent a postcard to Poland
- NLBirds
reacted on postcard CZE-15124
- TheycallmeJenZ
sent a postcard to India
- DrKamboj
sent a postcard to Poland
- UweHenk
sent a postcard to Taiwan
- DrKamboj
sent a postcard to China
- evg335
sent a postcard to Lithuania
- Dirigable
sent a postcard to China
- Jussi
reacted on postcard FIN-4259
- DrKamboj
sent a postcard to Norway
- UweHenk
sent a postcard to Malaysia
sent a postcard to Türkiye
- betty19900131
sent a postcard to Netherlands
- DrKamboj
sent a postcard to Türkiye
- Xiru
sent a postcard to Philippines
- for2na
sent a postcard to Norway
- Xiru
sent a postcard to Australia
- JuSttt7
sent a postcard to Korea (South)
- pagero
sent a postcard to China
- JoshuaGageECPL
sent a postcard to China
Postcard United means a lot to me. It gives me joy in many ways.
First there is the joy of buying the postcards. Where ever I go (shopping, vacation, museum) I try to find nice postcards. Every postcard must be a little present to the receiver. So I always try to find beautiful postcards. And beside the touristic cards of my own country, I have cards with all kind of subjects like animals, fashion, national dress, doors, windows, art cards etc.
Neatly organized in alphabetical order. So I can always find a favorite.
Then there is the excitement of asking a new address: where will I send it to this time?
Then, as mentioned, I look for the best postcard I can find for the receiver, even when he has difficult favorites.
Witing the postcard is also a joy. There is so much to write about.
And ofcourse there is the joy of revceiving postcards. I don’t like Sundays and Mondays, because on those days we have not delivery in m y country.
But today is a Tuesday: one postcard of Russia and one of Malaysia. So I am happy!
Love sending and receiving cards. Is love the right word? Addiction might be the right word. It’s a 2nd nature to find nice cards. Also have several boxes full of washi tapes, stickers (every subject in separate envelope). From museums (just like Nomu51 described), city hall and well…everywhere I take brochures and leaflets. So when someone asks to put a card in an envelope, a city map of something else is included. Each day I’m curious to find if there’s a card for me too in the mailbox. In my living room I have a special wall board with 30 categories. So each card will be on front by date and category. A treasure in my household. Everyone here on PU…keep on enjoying and sending!!!! Greetings Erwin from Leeuwarden, Friesland, The Netherlands
till now Postcard United was really great for me. offering also “rare” countries. But starting 1st of March, Romanian Post will double our prices… and will be quite hard for me to maintain high level of sendings…
Here in Guernsey depending on whether the boat comes in, which in the winter might be several days apart we get our post in batches so I can get no post and then upwards of 25 cards on one day to read, photograph and pass comments on. I have some wonderful penfriends from around the world now who before had never heard of my little Island in the Channel Seas. This site Unites us all together and we find out more about countries we might never get the chance to see. I am disabled so never travel so the cards I receive take me on journeys in my mind. Enjoy
I collect postcards for many years and its very interesting and exiting to receive a card. I got a lot of cards from family, friends, and colegues when they travel. By the years its a big collection, but most of the cards came from the typical Touritic-Areas the germans prefers. Now it is more exiting to get cards from all over the world and sometimes from not so far places I never hered about. I find also very interesting to get in contact with many people and learn about there way of live and Hobbies.
Hello and good day to all postcard lovers !!
I think we have a great group here and thanks to Postcard United we are having a wonderful time sending each other beautiful postcards !!
This site really works fine and I would be really hundred percent happy when only my postcards to Russia would arrive at their destinations as all the others do …. what’s wrong ?!?!?!
Are there always problems with Russian mail or is it in the adress-system here ?!?!
So few of my postcards to Russia reach the members over there unfortunately .
Hope better times are coming …
Wish you all good luck and lots of great postcards !!!!!
Honoured to be the first Scottish Postcard Uniter able to send postcards with the Scotland flag logo, The Saltire. Watch your mailboxes, fellow Postcard Uniters, you could be one of the first recipients of a postcard. Thank you, Postcard United, for this honour.
Can a Chandra who has send a card with no ID to Guernsey let me know what it should be so I can register it.
A la Perchoine
Nice interesting family 😊